Get Involved

Make a Gift

Thank you for helping create a stronger community and brighter future for CDR Kids.

Donate to CDR's Fund for Children or CDR's Capital Campaign

Give One-Time or Recurring Gifts Online

With CDR’s online giving system, it’s easy to give a one-time gift or an automatic monthly gift via your credit card. With a gift of just $10/month, you can provide $120 of annual support to CDR’s Fund for Children. With $120, CDR therapists can provide an hour of in-home therapy that teaches parents how to do therapeutic work with their son or daughter every day.


Write a Check

We love when the check is in the mail! Write to us at:
Child Development Resources
Post Office Box 280
Norge, VA 23127-0280

Other Giving Opportunities

Donate Stock

Save on capital gains taxes. Donate appreciated stock.

Be sure you or your broker provide your name and address to CDR, the name and number of securities transferred, and the stock valuation on the date of transfer. Here’s the CDR account information you and your broker need to know.

Brokerage: Wells Fargo, LLC
Phone Number: 888-465-8422
DTC Number: 0141
Account Name: Child Development Resources
Account Number: 2212-8491

IRA Distributions

You can make tax-free gifts to CDR directly from your Traditional IRA, up to $100,000 each year (postmarked by December 31). These gifts count toward your Required Minimum Distribution. This popular provision in the tax code, made permanent in 2015, applies to all qualified donors, whether or not you itemize. While these charitable IRA distributions are non-deductible, they:

  • Do not increase your taxable income and are therefore tax-free;
  • Count toward your Required Minimum Distribution; and
  • Can be used to make your annual gifts and pledge payments to CDR for unrestricted support, Endowment, and/or other purposes.

Another alternative would be making a gift of appreciated securities, which would allow you to avoid paying tax on the gains.

These gifts are easy to make, but there are special steps you must follow. Check with your financial advisor to determine if a Charitable IRA distribution is right for you.

For more Information on the advantages of donating to CDR!

For more information on the advantages of donating to CDR, including information on the CARES Act, please CLICK HERE. 


Amazon Wish List

Access our Amazon Wish List to find supplies we need for our therapists, home advocates, and the families we serve. Please click here.

Donate through United Way

If you give through the United Way, please designate Child Development Resources as the recipient of your contribution.  Thank you for your gift.

Questions? Call 757.566.3300 and ask for Development, or email us at

CDR’s EIN is 54-0791991.

Establish an Endowment or Make a Gift to One

Child Development Resources is fortunate to have the following endowments.  We invite you to consider establishing your own named endowment with a gift of $50,000 or more, or making a gift to one of the endowments already in place.  Call Development at 757-566-3300 for more information.

* Corinne W. Garland Endowment Fund for Children (our general endowment fund)
* Barbara J. Driscoll Restricted Endowment Fund
* Robinson Family Unrestricted Endowment Fund
* Roxie White Unrestricted Endowment Fund


Include us in your estate plans!

We would love for you to consider a planned gift to CDR in your will, which would enroll you as a member of the Winsten Society, a group of benefactors who have included CDR in their estate plans or made other planned gifts to CDR. Unless otherwise specified, all estate gifts are added to the CDR Corinne W. Garland Endowment Fund for Children, named in honor of former CDR Executive Director Corinne Garland.  This endowment fund is invested and managed carefully to provide ongoing support of CDR’s work in perpetuity.

If you prefer to restrict your bequest for a specific program, we encourage you or your advisor to discuss your plans with CDR’s Development office to ensure that CDR will be able to fulfill your intentions.

Ways to include CDR in your estate plan

  • Make a gift of cash, securities, or other property.
  • Designate a specific dollar amount, particular asset, or a fixed percentage of your estate to CDR.
  • Leave all or a portion of your residuary estate to CDR after providing for your other beneficiaries.
  • Name CDR as a contingent beneficiary of your estate in the event your other beneficiaries do not survive you.
  • Leave a gift to CDR from your retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of naming Child Development Resources in your estate plans, please click here for more information. If you would like to make a bequest, please fill out and mail this form.

And, finally, we’d like to be able to thank you for your gift and include you in Winsten Society events.  Please do let us know if you have included CDR in your will. For more information, please write to or call 757.566.3300 to discuss with the Director of Development or the Executive Director.

We are deeply grateful to the following Winsten Society members who have made generous provisions for CDR in their estates:

Betsy Anderson
Jayne Barnard
Allison Brody
Charles and Ginny Crone
John and Julia Curtis
Susie Dorsey
Jack Edwards
Michelle Eichorn

Sara Joyce Fogarty
Brian and Lynn Ford
Bill and Rita Francavilla*
Adrienne Frank and Gary Driscole
Edward and Myrna Frankle
Paul and Catherine Freiling
Molly and Matt Galo
Charles and Corinne Garland
Wally Glisson

Roger and Ann Hall
Cindy Hamrick
Dottie Haramis
Sarah Houghland
Mary Jean and Ron Hurst
Bernice Kimball
Jack and Barbara Kniest
Eric McDonald
Edward and Cherry Robinson

Marc Roth
Paul Scott
Lisa and Jim Thomas
James and Donna Thornton
Jean Van Tol
Mary L. Voorhess
* Winsten Society
honorary co-chairs

Stay In Touch

Child Development Resources
150 Point O’Woods Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188
Mail Address: P.O. Box 280, Norge, VA 23127

Training Department/Center for Professional Development
210 Packets Court, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.378.3177

Early Learning Center

Griffin-Yeates Learning Center
1490 Government Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.220.1168

Child Development Resources EIN 54-0791991
Form 990 >

Questions or concerns about your child? 

Call CDR’s TOTS line at 757.566.TOTS.

¿Tiene preguntas acerca de su bebé o niño? 
llame al 757.566.3300.


8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


p: 757.566.3300
f: 757.566.8977


Current Openings

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