HistoryCDR is a remarkable story of the power of community. It was founded 55 years ago by volunteers from the St. Martin’s Episcopal Mission’s education committee. Long before anyone knew that early learning was critical for brain development, these volunteers were concerned about children in our community who had disabilities or delays and had no early childhood education program available to them. The volunteers knew instinctively that there was only a short period of opportunity for getting these very young children and their families the support they needed to learn and grow. They founded CDR as a way to meet this urgent need.
CDR’s Responsive Motherhood Program adds a class on infant massage for new parents.
Former CDR Board Chair, Marc Sharp, receives the Barbara J. Driscoll Humanitarian Award for his support of CDR and the families we serve.
Circle of Parents, a support group for parents, is established.
Former CDR Board Chair, Eddie Robinson, receives the Barbara J. Driscoll Humanitarian Award for his support of CDR and the agency’s mission.
With the support of a caring community, CDR’s 50th anniversary campaign raises over $1M for enhanced services and renovation of the Woodside campus to help children and families and sustain our facilities to assure safe and nurturing environments.
CDR launches a new Breastfeeding Support Group funded by the Williamsburg Community Health Foundation.
Dr. Sydni Seinfeld, VCU Pediatric Neurologist, was named as CDR’s new medical director.
The Infant Toddler Specialist Network receives expansion grant of $1.7 million (for a total of $3.8 million).
Rita Francavilla, a CDR Board member, receives the Barbara J. Driscoll Humanitarian Award for her dedicated service to CDR, the agency’s mission, and the children we serve.
The first Barbara J. Driscoll Humanitarian Award is presented to long-time friend and philanthropist Charles Crone.
CDR participates in the Williamsburg Health Foundation’s Child Health Initiative. The “Care Team” is developed and refines a collaborative model of health care home visiting services for high-risk families.
Pathways for Responsible Fatherhood receives a $683,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
CDR launches a year-long celebration of its 50th Anniversary!
Williamsburg Community Health Foundation selects CDR as their Healthcare Hero. The 32nd Annual Bid ‘n Buy Auction raises more than $100,000 for children’s services.
CDR receives American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to convert the automotive shop at Lafayette High School into four state-of-the-art Early Head Start classrooms.
CDR is selected to lead the Virginia Infant & Toddler Specialist Network to improve the quality of care and education of very young children by raising the educational level and improving the skills of their caregivers.
Virginia Department of Social Services signs a $1.2 million contract with CDR for 1-2-3 READ! to promote early literacy in Virginia.
Paul F. Scott is named executive director.
CDR receives a federal $1.2 million, five-year grant for Investing in Fatherhood to support the important role of fathers in early childhood education.
Corinne Garland retires after 28 years at CDR.
CDR receives a $500,000 Governor’s grant for the Kids First Coalition to improve early care and education services. The 27th annual Bid ‘n Buy Auction raises $82,000 for children’s services.
CDR serves approximately 1,000 children with disabilities and developmental delays, or children who are at risk and their families.
CDR assumes management of the Comprehensive Health Investment Program (CHIP), introducing economies of scale and shared staff and facilities to reduce CHIP’s annual budget by $260,000 while increasing services to the 170 low-income families it serves. CDR serves almost 500 children a year.
Dr. Benjamin and Mary Winsten gift their entire estate to CDR, helping to lay the foundation for our present day endowment and planned giving program.
CDR, along with community partners, is awarded one of ten federal Communities of Excellence Awards for its model of blended services, including the 757-566-TOTS line for infants, toddlers, and their families in the greater Williamsburg community.
Bright Beginnings joins CDR’s Infant/Toddler Connection. CDR wins an Early Head Start expansion grant to add 50 children.
A second capital campaign raises $620,000, and a second building is purchased and renovated on the Norge campus. CDR significantly expands services, and a First Steps Child Care & Development Center opens at Jamestown High School, Williamsburg, Virginia. A Williamsburg Community Health Foundation grant supports the 566-TOTS line, which answers families’ questions about child development. CDR launches 1-2-3 READ!
CDR is chosen as one of seven Early Head Start sites in Virginia and begins serving 66 babies and their low-income families.
A First Steps Child Care & Development Center opens at Lafayette High School, Williamsburg, Virginia.
With a challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation and support from a caring community, CDR’s capital campaign raises $1.6M and the agency moves to a new, specially designed facility in Norge, Virginia.
CDR receives a federal contract to provide training for inclusion of children with disabilities in six state Head Start programs.
A capital campaign begins to raise funds for a new facility on donated land in Norge, Virginia. The First Steps Child Care & Development Center opens at the Griffin-Yeates Center in York County.
Increased funding from the Colonial Services Board allows CDR to offer year-round services.
CDR helps to develop Virginia’s Early Intervention Program Guide.
Barbara Kniest leaves CDR; Corinne Garland returns as executive director.
Under a federal demonstration grant, CDR develops and operates the Bright Beginnings program for at-risk infants and toddlers in collaboration with Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools.
After a successful capital campaign to purchase the building on Centerville Road, CDR expands facilities to include a Child Diagnostic Center.
Corinne Garland relocates to Houston, TX, and Barbara A. Kniest is named executive director.
CDR moves to rented space on Centerville Road in Lightfoot, Virginia, and wins its first national outreach grant to help others use its team model for serving infants. CDR’s first Bid ‘n Buy Auction raises $2,500.
In response to legislation that guarantees a free and appropriate public education for Virginia’s children with disabilities over the age of two, the preschool shifts its focus to serving infants and toddlers and expands its mission to include training for child care professionals. The organization’s name changes to Child Development Resources to reflect its expanded role.
The Preschool expands to five classrooms in the basement of the Williamsburg United Methodist Church. Therapists are added to the staff.
The Preschool serves 12 children in two classrooms at St. Bede’s Church and Corinne W. Garland joins the team as executive director.
CDR is founded as the Williamsburg Preschool for Special Children.
Stay In Touch
Child Development Resources
150 Point O’Woods Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188
Mail Address: P.O. Box 280, Norge, VA 23127
Training Department/Center for Professional Development
210 Packets Court, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.378.3177
Early Learning Center
Griffin-Yeates Learning Center
1490 Government Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.220.1168
Child Development Resources EIN 54-0791991
Form 990 >
Questions or concerns about your child?
Call CDR’s TOTS line at 757.566.TOTS.
¿Tiene preguntas acerca de su bebé o niño?
llame al 757.566.3300.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
p: 757.566.3300
f: 757.566.8977
e: info@cdr.org
Current Openings